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  7. Roasted Salted Peanuts

Roasted Salted Peanuts

Weight: 500g, 1kg, 10kg

Peanuts origins are in the Central Americas from where it spread to rest of the world. Currently, most Peanuts come from China.

Unlike most nuts, the Peanut is a ground based nut, and typically considered a grain legume.

Delicious, crunchy, and nutty, peanuts are improved through Roasting and Salting. However, Roasting, will reduce the shelve life dramatically. We recommend 6 months shelve life after Roasting, although in most cases they will last for 9 months.

Nutritional information per 100g:

Energy Kcal 680.00
Energy KJ 2488
Proteins 20.70
Carbohydrates 16.37
Sugars 4.26
Salt 926mg
Fat 48.69
Saturated Fat 8.65

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