A lot of people are aware that nuts are full of healthy nutrients, and we should all get into the habit of sprinkling a few on our breakfast cereal, porridge, ice-cream and puddings. However, which nuts pack the biggest punch when it comes to their nutritional value?

  • Almonds

Almond milk, almond flour, almond oil and butter, marzipan and frangipane are all made from almonds, but why is everyone going mad for this simple nut? The secret is just one 28g serving of roasted almonds provides 6g of protein, 3g of fibre, 45 per cent of the daily allowance of vitamin E, 19 per cent of the daily value of magnesium and 27 per cent of daily intake of magnesium.

Healthline states: “Not only are almonds a good source of healthy fat, protein, fibre and several vitamins and minerals, but they may also reduce heart disease risk factors.”

  • Cashews

Eaten on their own, blended in a curry or in a creamy smoothie, cashew nuts make for a delicious, as well as healthy, choice.

One serving of cashews contains 12g of fat, 5g of protein, 9g of carbs, 1g of fibre, as well as vitamin K, magnesium, and manganese.

They have also been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve metabolic conditions, and cut belly fat, lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

  • Hazelnuts

Most of us know how great the pairing of hazelnuts and chocolate is, but hazelnuts are far healthier on their own. As well as containing high levels of protein and fibre, they have plenty of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium, according to Medical News Today.

Stock up on your treats by buying roasted salted almonds from our online store today.

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