With autumn now upon us and winter on the horizon, the temptation to eat unhealthily is likely to grow as the days get shorter and colder. Whether it is seasonal stuff like pumpkin treats and bonfire toffee, the overindulgence of Christmas or just a desire for some warming stodge while sheltering indoors, this is a time of year when many pile on some pounds.

Others, however, will still want to get outdoors, be active and eat well. But not everyone will be aware of the potential benefits of dried mango in this quest.

Most people know that bananas are a great fruit for fast energy; one only has to see tennis players taking a bite between games to see that. But Mango, with its high level of natural sugar, can do this just as fast – and fast energy is what you want when exerting yourself, such as when going on a long walk. 

That is just one of the many benefits of mango, however. It is also full of fibre and contains many vitamins, including lots of vitamins A and C, just what your immune system needs with more bugs and colds going around in autumn and winter. It also contains antioxidants, helpful for battling against free radicals.

According to BBC Good Food, the benefits of mango may also extend to some specific desirable health outcomes. All those vitamins are great for healthy skin and hair, with good skin being something that’s always harder to maintain in the dry, windy outdoor conditions of autumn.

It also noted a trial on animals in 2016 suggested a compound in mangos, mangiferin, may help lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation, helping improve heart health, although more research is needed to confirm this.

Even the eyes may benefit, as mangos contain lutein and zeaxanthin, caratenoids that help protect the retina from bright sunlight and also the light produced by digital devices.

With mango offering a healthy snack when you are outdoors and active as well as a great accompaniment to all sorts of recipes from salads to curries, it is something you should definitely consider making a big part of your diet.

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